Tracy Hwang

Senior Associate | IP Advisory

Tracy provides clients with an unrivalled wealth of resources to assist organisations in harnessing change.

About Tracy

Tracy is an invaluable addition to our team, spearheading our knowledge management initiatives with a critical emphasis on capturing employee know-how and converting it into valuable intellectual property. With a foundation in Psychology, complemented by an MBA and a Masters’s in Professional Psychology, Tracy brings in demand distinctive skill sets to this position. Tracy provides clients with an unrivalled wealth of resources to assist organisations in harnessing change and maximising the capture of their intellectual assets and employees’ know-how.

Education & Qualifications

Murdoch University

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

International Business (MBAIntBus),
International Business/Trade/Commerce)

Curtin University

Masters of Applied Psychology, Professional Psychology

Murdoch University

Bachelor of Psychology (BPsyc.)

Organisation psychology, social psychology, economics

Ingral Development RTO

Advanced Diploma in Leadership and Management


IP Insurance – What is it? (Part 1)

Intellectual Property (IP) insurance is a specialised type of insurance designed to protect businesses from the financial risks associated with intellectual property disputes and litigation.