Ideas and thoughts driven from our expertise. Our articles offer a unique perspective on technology, innovation, intellectual property and the world of commerce.
In an AI-driven world, relying solely on patents for intellectual property (IP) protection is no longer sufficient. In the article co-authored by Matthew Yeates and Dr Stefan Paterson...
Like with all patent systems around the world, patent claims define the monopoly conferred by a granted patent in its specific jurisdiction. The scope of...
We outline some of the key aspects of the VHDP legislation and reasons as to why we believe this legislation could be of benefit to Australian and New Zealand maritime designers who
Given it is possible for a space object not to be registered under the 1975 Convention, limiting the definition of a space object to one that is only ...
The boat hit the world stage in late 1970 as the ‘Laser’, and was a hit – becoming an internationally recognised sailboat class in 1974.
Mapping and aligning intangible assets (IA) through product development stages is a critical process for innovators seeking to maximise the value of their innovations.