Counterfeiting poses a significant threat across various industries, including fashion, pharmaceuticals, FMCG, automotive, electronics, consumer goods and more. Counterfeit goods can tarnish your brand’s reputation, reduce sales and put consumers at risk.
At Integrated IP (IIP), we understand the critical importance of safeguarding your brand and assets. Our anti-counterfeiting team leverages extensive experience to combat the importation and distribution of counterfeit products swiftly and effectively.
If you are concerned that counterfeit goods are damaging your brand’s reputation, we can assist you with an enforcement strategy. This may include market surveillance and lodging notices of objection in relation to your copyright and trade mark rights with the Australian Border Force (ABF).
We will work closely with the ABF to notify importers of counterfeit goods of your rights. If necessary, we can also initiate strategic legal actions against manufacturers, importers, and sellers of counterfeit goods to dismantle counterfeiting operations.
Choose IIP to stand as your steadfast partner in defending your brand and ensuring the integrity of your products. Our unwavering commitment to excellence and comprehensive approach will fortify your business against the relentless threat of counterfeiting.
Services - Enforce IP
Insights - Anti-Counterfeiting
- April 17, 2024
- April 10, 2024
- January 1, 2024