Tag: IP Strategy & Execution

Ideas and thoughts driven from our expertise. Our articles offer a unique perspective on technology, innovation, intellectual property and the world of commerce.

IP Insurance – What is it? (Part 2)

Intellectual property (IP) insurance is essential for businesses seeking to protect their valuable IP assets. It offers several benefits…

IP Insurance – What is it? (Part 1)

Intellectual Property (IP) insurance is a specialised type of insurance designed to protect businesses from the financial risks associated with intellectual property disputes and litigation.

Trade Secrets – the hidden asset, until it isn’t: Part One

Most, if not all, organisations unknowingly develop confidential information including trade secrets. Take, for example, a courier who learns that, at a particular time of day, it is best to take a certain route to avoid traffic.

The blurred inventor

For most inventors, the patenting process is a foreign concept that is confusing, complex, and divorced from the underlying development of the technology of an invention.

Unseen and undervalued – A brief introduction to intangible assets

Over the past few decades, the world has seen dizzying advancements in technology. By way of example, Australia only connected to the Internet in 1989 – now it’s impossible to imagine life without it. But perhaps the most exciting development in recent years is the rapid and accelerating commercialisation of space.

The intangible asset dance

Intangible assets cover a wide variety of assets, from know-how, trade secrets, confidential information, intellectual capital, data, patents…