Trade Marks
By combining with experts in design & industry, IIP can assist clients in developing, creating, and protecting a brand. IIP can also tap into its worldwide network of associates to protect your brand in many countries overseas.
A trade mark is anything that is used as a commercial brand and can include words, names, logos and packaging. Ultimately, a trade mark captures the goodwill and reputation of a brand, which means that the value of a trade mark can grow considerably over time as the goodwill grows. Unlike other forms of registered IP, trade marks have an indefinite term so long as the trade mark is being used.
Visit our Design and Marketing page for more information about how we integrate trade marks with our leading design team.
Insights - Trade Marks
The boat hit the world stage in late 1970 as the ‘Laser’, and was a hit – becoming an internationally recognised sailboat class in 1974.
From looking into recent patent filing activity, it is clear that this technology is developing at an extremely fast rate, expanding the limits of what is possible.
Intellectual property (IP) insurance is essential for businesses seeking to protect their valuable IP assets. It offers several benefits...
Intellectual Property (IP) insurance is a specialised type of insurance designed to protect businesses from the financial risks associated with intellectual property disputes and litigation.
For most inventors, the patenting process is a foreign concept that is confusing, complex, and divorced from the underlying development of the technology of an invention.
Over the past few decades, the world has seen dizzying advancements in technology. By way of example, Australia only connected to the Internet in 1989 – now it’s impossible to imagine life